It's not a moment, it's a movement.
We created the Antiracist Book Initiative to enrich our children’s minds with stories from diverse voices with a collection of antiracist books.
The goal of the Antiracist Book Initiative is to bring the community together, create a space for vital conversations about antiracism, and ensure that both children and adults have ready access to books that elevate Black voices and inspire us all to understand and actively dismantle racism.
We know how important it is for children and adults to engage with books that provide mirrors to their own lives and windows into others’ lived experiences.
We purchase selections from Black-owned bookstores like Marcus Books, that span multiple reading levels and provide sources of powerful inspiration, vital knowledge, and important lessons for humans of all ages. Read more about the books.
RUAR’s antiracist books are housed inside Little Free Antiracist Libraries.
Built from the ground up, these libraries are transformed into functional pieces of community art by local Black artists we find and commission to paint. These are not ordinary libraries, they prominently display “This Little Library is Antiracist.” We are intentional with our words and hope to inform, enlighten and inspire action against racism. Find a new book to borrow at one of our locations.
We’re giving back through our one-for-one model.
For every library we build, we also gift another through our Community Antiracism Reading and Engagement (CARE) Program that leverages a one-for-one giving model to provide even more communities with Little Free Antiracist Libraries.
Interested in bringing a Little Free Antiracist Library to your area? Learn more and sign up to make an impact in your community. (P.S. We’re also looking for artists!)