Our 10th Little Free Antiracist Library is Now Open in Clayton
On Sunday, October 3rd, Rise Up Against Racism opened its tenth Little Free Antiracist Library. The milestone day was exciting for so many reasons, and we loved celebrating with an inspiring community of supporters.
Our newest installation, located at the intersection of Pine Hollow and Mitchell Canyon Road in Clayton, was made possible by the steadfast work of steward Cheryl Willis. Over the last ten months, Cheryl engaged with the community, solicited donations, scouted out potential locations, and evangelized Rise Up Against Racism’s work. She worked tirelessly and passionately to raise the funds necessary to bring a Little Free Antiracist Library to a specific area in Clayton that will serve hundreds of school children and families as they walk and bike to the three nearby schools.
At the ribbon cutting celebration, Cheryl reminded us that Clayton’s town motto is: “Do the Right Thing.” She eloquently shared how important it is to actively engage in antiracist work, even when it is uncomfortable. Cheryl thanked the 80 community members who supported the work to install Clayton’s Library, most especially City Council member, Holly Tillman. Tillman, a longtime community resident, is Clayton’s first Black elected official. She gave a powerful address that spoke to the importance of representation in books and shared what Clayton’s Little Free Antiracist Library means to her and her family.
“Antiracism work is hard and uncomfortable,” shared Cheryl. “In any area of life that we grow and change, it’s never easy. When this work feels uncomfortable, when it feels scary, recognize those feelings as a sign that you are doing the right thing.”
Cheryl continued, “And know that you are not alone. You have over 80+ community members who have contributed to this campaign because they know the importance of this work. We are here to support everyone in the community whether in person or in the form of a book. I hope you will visit and revisit this library over and over again. Gaining strength and courage to always do what is right. And for our Black, Brown, Hispanic, Asian, LGBTQIA+, Indigenous, and other marginalized community members. May you feel the love and support, the mirror into your lives, that these books will provide you.”
In any area of life that we grow and change, it’s never easy. When this work feels uncomfortable, when it feels scary, recognize those feelings as a sign that you are doing the right thing.
– Cheryl Willis
The artist of Clayton’s Little Free Antiracist Library is Sharon Virtue. Sharon is a British-born artist of mixed Jamaican and Irish heritage, currently residing in the Bay Area. She works internationally in creative community development and believes that artists are agents of transformation. October is National Arts and Humanities Month, and the day of the ribbon cutting, October 3rd, honored art as activism. We love that Clayton’s Little Free Antiracist Library invites readers of all ages to learn and take action while also serving as a beautiful and inspiring piece of community art.
To find this and all of our Little Free Antiracist Libraries, visit our locations page. Visit this library, borrow a book, but don’t forget to bring it back to keep these important titles circulating in our communities. Want to help us keep more books circulating in our community? Set up a recurring donation to help fund our replenishment efforts.
If you or anyone you know is interested in funding or hosting a Little Free Antiracist Library, let us know here.